It happens.
One day you wake up and realize that you don’t love your job anymore. You just want to break free from the endless cycle of emails, calls, and meetings. You hate waking up to Mondays and dragging your feet to the office to face your boss. The spark is gone, but this doesn’t mean you can’t reignite it.
The problem with today’s generation of workers is they are quick to give up and move on. They see their work like a relationship that they can just toss aside, not minding the years they’ve worked up the company ladder. If you’re facing the same situation, hope is not lost in regaining your love for work.
Here’s how you can bring back that spark:
- Breathe and Take a Rest.
Overwork and fatigue are often the main culprits why people fall out of love with their work. Tons of deadlines, never-ending demands from the higher-ups, and the hassles of day-to-day work can take their toll on a person’s mental and physical wellbeing. If you think your work is pushing your limits too far, breathe. Don’t let all the pressure get to you. File that vacation leave you’ve been planning – you deserve it.
- Join Any Extra-Curricular Activities.
Is your company planning a team building activity soon? Do you hold seminars or workshops? If your company has any upcoming event, don’t be afraid to join. This is a great way to reconnect with other people from work and share a new experience – you might even find yourself enjoying the activity. As they say, if you can’t beat them, join them.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up.
Communication is one of the pillars of any successful company. If you have something to say, don’t be afraid to voice it out. Why wait for exit interviews to share the things around your workplace that might be wrong and detrimental to the moral of employees? If you feel backed up in a corner, talk to your supervisor and let them know what your expectations are.
- Don’t try to change things you can’t control.
Not everything will go the way we want – some things will simply be out of our control. But this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. You just need to shift your mindset and focus on things that you can change, such as your attitude towards your work.
Don’t let day-to-day frustrations cloud your career vision and make you lose your love for work. As much as possible, leave resignation as a last option – don’t just leave your job if you can still find ways to make it work.